Partners In Design
Here are some posters that I find pretty inspiring sometimes. Not the message... the look. We should do some promotional PID posters eventually that have this sort of feel. Could be interesting.
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12:37 PM
These are pretty interesting. I bet if I typed propaganda on Google I can find a bunch of cool ones. But I think that this has been done and overused. I think we should do something completely different and original for once. If anyone can come up with a fresh idea I wanna be the first to know! I think i smell challenge...
There is nothing wrong with drawing inspiration from something done in the past. and there is deff nothing wrong with coming up with something original. But if someone on the this blog can come up with an idea that hasnt already been done in some shape or form. That person will win the biggest cookie ever.
Hell to the motherflowin' yeah! Glad you agree... I say that b/c if we wanna stand out among the rest of the site/blogs that are out there we shouldn't even be vaguely similar. We need to stand out in the crowd. I hope this stays in the back of everyone's head and maybe some day month or year you'll be like "I GOT IT!."
very exiting.
I actually think this would be a very strong, intellegent way to push ourselves. Especially if we take a form of propoganda from several different countries and incorporate it with a strong statement/copy. I have always adored old World War 2 Army Advertisements and their messages and execution. They were strong in every sense and said something. they were designed to garner attention and broke the norm of a lot of ways that people advertised before that.
I think there can be a lot of sarcasm and irony taken from these ideas and played off of in tackling how to get ourselves out there and doing net blurbs/pushes. I think it's bloody brilliant and it really takes a lot of what we stand for as well.. frickin great!
Now from here, we take this as inspiration and run with it.
Russian Constructivism and American propoganda here we come!
It's really called Heroic Realsim.
These posters are really great (the ones that loaded up for me that is... ::dies::). Can't wait to see what posters we come up!
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