Partners In Design


killing 2 birds with 1 stoner

yeah, I had to make some posters for the jug band, couldn't decide on someone else's album, and I needed to work on the band stuff anyways. it's still Friday in Vegas!


Laz said...

I definetly like the first one. Did you draw all those little creatures/masks? I love their feel. Ad the composition it interesting. The entire concept has a very interesting idea in general with the masked man dreaming of more masks..

Thanks for these, and get back to me on that illustration dude!! :)

Unknown said...

Like Laz, I liked the first one a lot too. I'm just curious what made you decide/inspire you to use the the asian designs?

Nice work! :-D

Alexandra said...

I am digging the first one.

I think the second one has too much going on, with all that white text in the background.

Ernesto said...

yeah, I went over board with it out of frustration. Christa said the same thing. It is a complete design no no. Glad y'all hate it too.

uh, asian designs, I don't know? Must be all the cartoons and movies I've watched. Also, I'm into Japanese woodblock prints, especially the ones with ghosts and demons.

the first one is made up of some drawings of masks and little figures I've got at home. Sometimes I'll draw an action figure's body and slap a mask head on it. I like, it's nice.