Partners In Design


personal favorites

I ran into John Williamson on 23rd St btwn 8th & 9th Ave. I was heading home from a client meeting and he was selling his paintings under a street barricade between the scaffold legs. A table full of little paintings, some with superheroes, some were raunchy porn scenes, some were superheroes doing raunchy porn scenes (he covered a diverse array of topics). There were some that stood out to me so much that I had to get them, I couldn't resist the impulse. They were $15, $20, the most I paid for one was like $32. I lost touch with the guy, though each painting has his cell number behind it and I look at them everyday. I heard he's in the tunnel sometimes between the F,V & 1,2,3 lines on 14th st now. I'm gonna call him to check.


Laz said...

Wow.. These are super interesting. If i had a small studio office space, I could really picture having a pleuthora of these hanging on a wall. I like the simple style and the small canvas sizes. Very cool stuff!

Would you mind either sharing the number/location (once you find it) he's at.. or email me the number?

Thatd be awesome!


Shalimar said...

Yeah Man, these are really fun. Something about them is just so charming.

Alexandra said...

I enjoy the Batman ones the most! Although that Robin portrait on the bottom right is pretty good. I dunno if anyone used to watch "The Real World" on MTV back in the day, but on the New Orleans season, there was one girl that started painting on similar size canvas, and they were pretty cute paintings. Looking at these just reminded me of that.