Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum
Happy Holidays!
I guess i haven't posted in the longest time! I totally suck. But I hope to get back on blog track. So I scanned some stuff from my sketch book. So here ya go!
Designed By
12:45 PM
Doodle from work:
Also, I noticed NO ONE posted anything for Laz's challenge this month... including Laz himself. We suck! Hahahaha... I guess the challenged will wait until later, as in when everyone is out of school. Ploop!
Btw, I moved my art blog over to Blogger. So go look at it, leave comments, make me feel as if people actually read it. The Art of Alexandra Beguez I want to thank Paul for helping me make this very fateful decision.
Designed By
3:16 AM
1 Critiques
There's a lot wrong with Sony as a company now days. Forget that. Look how crappy their hardware site is:
The grid is a mess. And there's about 7 different font sizes.
Designed By
8:30 PM
Listening to iTunes today, I kept noticing how many album covers I really liked looking at...even if I didn't like the music. So here, in NO ORDER, and having NOTHING to do with the music they represent, are my 35 favorite album covers that I OWN.
WHEW. Long post.
Designed By
5:47 PM
Something i did quickly at work today.. it seems to be keeping in the same stylistic qualities I've been developing as of recent... So here ya go. :-P
Designed By
5:27 PM