Partners In Design
After a few conversations, the client has now decided to move forth with my initial idea and use the following design treatment for the Digipack Packaging. The cd booklet is yet to be designed, but for the most part, the packaging has been mostly settled on. Below you can see a preview:
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10:34 PM
I Like the 1st one more
Oh man... I really dig it! ::gets shovel:: I really like that you brought in the yellow, I never saw it coming. I also like the font choice for "The Jetsetting - That's True, Kid" Especially the latter, I really couldn't read it that well with the other font choice. And I like how the kids are holding hands. I'm a sentimental fool.
But now I must ask you, which of the two is going to be the front and back of the CD booklet? I hope it all makes it into the packaging! Nice job Lazarus!
try replacing the yellow "the jetsetting" and the yellow smudge with white. instead of yellow.
i know black and white is so over done.
but i think there is a compelling-ness about black and white.
try adding a "smear" on the first picture too. around the two kids.
like it is on the 2nd.
make it white.
i like the smears cause its abstract.
gives it flavor
- Joe
LOL to the digging, Alex.
I like the change of font definitely and I'm not minding the overall packaging at all. It looks very good. Like Alex said, the yellow looks very good and I especially like it for the second one. The added texture on the kids is a nice addition as well.
For the second one, you're loving that folded paper design, aren't you? lol I really like this one as well. Liking the spilled yellow paint look. Also like the holdings hands too haha. We can be saps together Alex :-D
All together, a very nice improvement from the first designs! I can't wait to see the finished work.
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